In a world where poverty continues to cast a dark shadow over millions, it is essential for each of...
Serving the Poor and Needy: SonHaven Broadens Focus on Doing What Matters
SonHaven brings hope to those who have lost it. We want to heal the broken-hearted. Our vision is to build a world where there’s no suffering. As we started planning to execute this vision, it became clear that our previous focus was too narrow.
Did you know there is a strong correlation between poverty and human trafficking? People living in poverty are more vulnerable to being exploited by traffickers.
We’ve decided to broaden our service from a focus on trafficked individuals. Instead, we seek to tackle the monumental oppression of poverty. If you and I can reduce poverty and brokenness, we can lessen the incidence of trafficking.
Let’s face the widespread problem of poverty, homelessness and hunger that infects our communities. Let’s address the problem from the front end, not the back end. Let’s make a difference here and now!
Making the Difference
Our three-phase approach tailors our efforts to the varied needs of those suffering from poverty and broken-heartedness. To build their faith in Christ, we seek to do the following to serve the poor and needy through the SonHaven stages of growth.
Uplift those with broken lives by helping them get the essentials needed for life. People need food on the table, beds to sleep in, and education to find needed work. It’s hard to live in faith when you are in survival mode.
Bring stability and safety to those who need a home. People need a physical place to lay their head and safety to hope for a better future. The building blocks to faith and trust in the Lord start with faith and trust in each other.
Healing the broken-hearted by providing a sanctuary of hope. Building communities filled with compassion and hope can provide a retreat for those wanting to rebuild their lives.
Phase 1: Uplifting Broken Lives
We’re starting out with very few resources, but you’ve got to start somewhere, right? We’re determined to uplift those with broken lives. We want to touch their hearts and remind them that God loves them.
Phase one provides food, supplies, and temporary shelter to people in desperate need. Humanitarian support to the poor and downtrodden meets their basic needs. We plan to do this through outreach and on-campus programs.
The SonHaven campus will store essential supplies for those who struggle for daily sustenance. Our campus will also grow and provide fresh foods and supplies for the poor and needy in our communities. On campus, people will also find education opportunities and faith-based learning.
If you want to heal a soul, you must first fill their bellies.
Phase 2: Building Broken Homes
As our resources grow, we look forward to rebuilding broken homes, literally.
Phase two assists with home construction and repairs for those without. Creating safe, stable housing will provide a foundation for sustainable living. In our economy today, too many people can’t afford a place to live, or they live in poor circumstances. Having a safe and healthy home is critical for families to rebuild their lives.
If you want to heal a broken home, start by letting them know you care.
Phase 3: Healing Broken Souls
While building up the poor in our local communities, we also plan to develop self-sufficient communities filled with compassion, hope, and healing. These SonHaven communities are a literal refuge for the broken hearted.
Phase three provides a haven where individuals and families can find a brief retreat from the chaos of life. These Christ-centered communities help people rebuild faith, heal their souls, and re-engage in life.
They will offer a community of support for people who need to get back on their feet. They will be the hub of our outreach programs. They will provide the coordination of building opportunities. They will be a center for education and skills training. But most importantly, they will become sanctuaries for spiritual healing.
Our Christ-Centered Approach to Serving the Poor and Needy
SonHaven centers on brining hope through Jesus Christ. He is the Great Physician. Our approach focuses on addressing a broad range of needs for individuals and families living in poverty through compassion and unity. We don’t want to relieve suffering temporarily, but to empower a transformation in their lives that will last a lifetime.
We invite you to become part of our community. Without you, we can’t fulfill our mission. Your support will make a life-long impact on so many people. You have the power to shape their future.
How Can I Help?
Donate: Your financial support will directly impact the lives of those in need. Your contribution matters, no matter how much you give. You can donate here.
Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network. Encourage others to join this amazing opportunity. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube!
Volunteer: Give your time and expertise to rebuilding lives. Connect with us here.
Become a Partner: If your organization shares in our vision, let’s explore collaboration opportunities to amplify our efforts together. Find out more about our partnerships and collaborations here.
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